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Grace Community Church of Ramona Podcast

Mar 30, 2014

Big Idea: Jesus identifies with us in our human condition to accept, forgive, and heal us.

You have probably heard it before. It is a saying commonly attributed to Marie Antoinette, the Austrian princess who became queen of France after marrying Louis the 16th. Legend says that when she was informed that her subjects,...

Mar 30, 2014

If you were to walk into the teaching room on Barangonan Island you would see two miniature boats suspended from the rafters. One boat is painted black and is sailing towards the Lake of Fire. The other boat, painted white, is sailing to the New Earth. We are in one or the other of these boats. We are sailing either to...

Mar 23, 2014

Christlikeness/holiness will cost you! It will cost you the expense of laziness because now there is no more coasting through life! You will now need to be aware everyday of where your heart is going and what you are allowing in. It will cost you precious idols and false comforters as you begin to give those up and put...

Mar 23, 2014

The Chronology of Eschatology chart gives an overview of the present age and major endtime events. We are living in The Dispensation of Grace; specifically The Church Age. At any time Jesus could come to fetch His bride, the Church and take her to heaven through the Rapture event (Jn. 14:1-3; 1 Thess. 4:13-5:11). When...

Mar 16, 2014

In John Eldredge’s book "The Utter Relief of Holiness" he describes how when a surfer catches a wave there is a little effort on his part to get into the barrel through paddling but once in that barrel you simply go with it. You don’t create the wave; that is entirely beyond you. Once you are in the wave your part is...