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Grace Community Church of Ramona Podcast

Nov 26, 2017

Last week we were working through the times of the Judges, Prophets, and Kings. This took us from the book of Judges, all the way to the end of the Old Testament. During the span of those years, the Israelites seemed to be on an endless cycle of self destruction. Forgetting their Creator and Savior, they would...

Nov 19, 2017

Forty years have passed since God delivered the Israelites out of the clutches of Pharaoh. The exodus generation, those who had seen the many signs and wonders of the Lord, now had died off. Even their great leader, Moses, had given over to the curse of death. A man named, Joshua was appointed by God to lead the...

Nov 12, 2017

The law has been given. God has established in very clear terms what He expects from His chosen people. These 613 laws govern how Israel is supposed to behave toward God, toward one another, and even toward animals and other creation. God gives these laws and expects Israel to follow them, yet God knows that they will...

Nov 5, 2017

The crashing waters of the Red Sea have settled. The nation of Israel, about 2 million people, look on in unbelief and awe as the God who led them out of slavery just destroyed the entire Egyptian army. They are now a completely free people! As the last line of their magnificent rescue song rings out, "The Lord will...