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Grace Community Church of Ramona Podcast

May 31, 2015

It is a common misconception that people who lived during the Old Testament were saved by keeping the Law of Moses while those who lived after Jesus are saved by grace. This error was perpetuated by the Pharisees in Judaism and later by the Judaizers in the Church. The Apostle Paul combated this error in both Romans and...

May 24, 2015

In 10:19-39, the Preacher applies, warns and encourages. To fully understand we need to think about a critical incident in the ministry of our Lord recorded in Matthew 12. Prior to Matthew 12, Jesus and His disciples traveled from town to town preaching the good news of the Kingdom and appealing to the nation of Israel...

May 17, 2015

In 9:1-10:18 the Preacher continues to demonstrate the inadequacies of the Mosaic (Old) Covenant. The ministry of the Old Covenant took place in an earthly tabernacle that limited access to God to one man once a year; the ministry of the New Covenant takes place in the heavenly Tabernacle and opens access to God...

May 10, 2015

In our study of Hebrews 7:11-28 we discovered that in 1000B.C., through King David, God revealed a massive change in His program for Israel: Messiah will be both King and Priest! This revelation had huge implications: a change in the priesthood necessarily requires a change in the law. Psalm 110:4 revealed that...

May 3, 2015

With the coming of Jesus our Messiah a massive change took place in God's program: both the Law of Moses and the Aaronic Priesthood came to an end. They were replaced by the Law of Messiah and the Melchizedekian Priesthood. As Gentiles we struggle to comprehend the magnitude of this change.

For the Jews of the first...