Aug 28, 2016
Thus far we have discovered that those becoming like Jesus will have a thought life that is centered on God; setting the mind on things above and letting the Word of Christ dwell in us richly. Those becoming like Jesus will also increasingly enjoy the positive feelings that accompany love, joy, and peace.
Becoming like...
Aug 21, 2016
Feelings are essential to life. God made us to feel and to feel deeply. Jesus is a person of deep feeling. He was "fightin' mad" when He cleared the Temple, He openly wept at the tomb of His close friend Lazarus, and in His anxiety, He sweat drops of blood in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Feelings, per se, are not the...
Aug 14, 2016
Ideas rule our lives.
We are shaped and driven by our ideas of success, family, friendship, marriage, patriotism, fairness, God, freedom, happiness, "the American dream", work, self-worth.
Last week, Leo shared he was taught, "the world is out to get you". That is an idea. What attitudes and actions might flow from the...
Aug 7, 2016
The spirit (will), in union with and subject to God, guides the mind to seek the things above, to set the mind on the things that are above. The Godward mind, in turn, brings order and harmony to the soul. The body, energized and guided by a healthy soul, serves the other aspects to accomplish God’s will in its social...
Jul 31, 2016
Crumbs and Bubbles are those numerous daily, seemingly insignificant experiences and choices that taken all together form our soul. News, talk shows, music, conversations, emails, Facebook, Scripture and many other daily experiences shape our souls. Aware of this, we can decide what inputs we allow into our thoughts...