Jul 30, 2017
We are ambassadors for Christ and we affect peoples’ opinion about Jesus. Notice 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 says …we are ambassadors…. It does not say we should be ambassadors. It is in the indicative; you are an ambassador. The question is not if we are ambassadors, but are we good ambassadors. God is making His...
Jul 23, 2017
We are evangelicals. We believe we are called to evangelize, that is, preach the good news that forgiveness of sin and eternal life can be had through faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We take seriously the Great Commission..
Jul 16, 2017
As Christians, we believe some incredible things. One of the most incredible is that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. We believe that Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man. We believe a Jewish man born 2000 years ago who probably stood about 5’6” most likely with black hair and a black beard, olive skin, who...