Dec 1, 2024
We believe in a promise that Jesus is literally, physically coming a second time to this earth. Is this promise of such a nature that it warrants such a belief? The answer to this question is based on the premise that a promise is only as good as the one who makes it. This is the issue of our study this morning.
Nov 17, 2024
Disciple making incorporates the entirety of the Christian life, and it is one of the clearest ways that we can show love towards our family and the world. Now that we are clear on what it means to be/make a disciple of Jesus, let's turn our attention to the brief but helpful pattern that Peter gives to us.
Nov 10, 2024
In our study today, the Apostle Peter uses clear and powerful language to describe two very different roads a believer could choose to follow.
Nov 3, 2024
2 Peter 1:3-8 reveals that Jesus has granted us everything
needed to become like Him in character, values, attitudes and
But to what end? For what purpose? We have also discovered that
becoming partakers of the divine nature; of possessing the
character, values, attitudes and actions of Jesus Himself,...