Apr 26, 2015
Apr 19, 2015
The recipients of the book of Hebrews were not in a good place spiritually. They were saved but they were spiritual babies. They had become "dull of hearing" and were dangerously vulnerable to their enemies. The Preacher was concerned lest they fall away, recant their faith in Christ and fail to go on to...
Apr 12, 2015
The book of Hebrews was written to Jewish Christians in 65 A.D. suffering persecution for their faith in Jesus as Messiah. In this warning section the Preacher confronts their spiritual regression. As a result of drifting away from God’s Word (2:1), they have regressed to a state of spiritual infancy...
Apr 5, 2015
Resurrection Sunday could also be called Exaltation Sunday; it was on Resurrection Sunday that Jesus was exalted, crowned King and appointed High Priest (Heb. 1:3-9, 13, 5:5-6). Once appointed High Priest, Jesus entered the Holy of Holies in the Heavenly Tabernacle and offered His blood as the once for all sacrifice for...