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Grace Community Church of Ramona Podcast

Aug 25, 2019

Special Sermon: "Love and Serve"

Aug 18, 2019

For all of us, trusting in Christ is a process of hearing and being persuaded by the evidence. Jesus’ earthly ministry was one of preaching and calling upon people to trust His claim to be the Messiah. He did many, many signs and wonders such as healings and casting out of demons, to back up His claim. These signs...

Aug 11, 2019

Jesus' Authority Over Evil Spirits and Disease
Luke 4:31-41

Aug 4, 2019

Jesus came back to Nazareth a different man. He was now a public figure. Some had seen Him clear the Temple. Others heard Him preach either in Jerusalem or on the way home along the Jordan River. They heard about the boy in Capernaum who had been healed.