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Grace Community Church of Ramona Podcast

Dec 7, 2014

I know that many of you come from a Roman Catholic background and I want you to know that my desire is that you would simply know the truth of what the Gospel actually teaches and be freed from the lies and heresy of the Roman Catholic Church. In order to do that I am going to simply take you through the most important...

Nov 23, 2014

It is easy to shake our heads in disgust when we see some of the atrocities happening in the Middle East at the hands of many of the Muslim faith. However, we cannot expect people that no know little else, especially little about the hope of Jesus Christ, to change. It has been said, "The only thing it takes for evil to...

Nov 16, 2014

The sermon preached by the apostle Peter in Acts 4:5-12 while speaking to the rulers and the people and elders of Israel is a far cry from what the Muslim faith teaches. In fact part of its creed is that there is one God, Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet. The Bible and the Muslim faith cannot both be true since they...

Nov 2, 2014

Today we will close another chapter in our Faithology series as we wrap up the teachings of the Jehovah's Witnesses and continue to explore how to share the truth of the Gospel with them. Today's journey takes us into the exploration of salvation as taught by the Jehovah’s Witnesses, what they teach regarding the soul...

Oct 19, 2014

Jehovah's Witnesses and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) reported the largest membership increases in a year, according to the National Council of Churches' 2008 Yearbook of American & Canadian Churches. Although Jehovah's Witnesses currently rank 25th in size with over 1.06 million members,...