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Grace Community Church of Ramona Podcast

Aug 31, 2014

Life is full of choices and full of surprises. Life often gives us multiple opportunities and many doors to walk through and that’s when we seek wisdom from others and the Lord. What should I do? It is one question we will ask all through life and it is one that scripture answers for us today. What Should I Do When...

Aug 31, 2014

Revelation 19:11-21 reveals the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ to the earth at the end of the 7 year Tribulation. He will come to make war against the Antichrist and False Prophet. In order to fully understand the situation at the time of Jesus’ second coming we need to do some review and some supplementing of...

Aug 24, 2014

I heard a commercial on the radio the other day that jokingly said they were developing a new kind of soda. They said this new soda was going to be so convenient that when you went to the convenience store to buy it, you would actually be able to walk out of the store 30 seconds before you walked in.  We are...

Aug 24, 2014

Cathy and I had a terrible two years of dating before our engagement. I was in a period of spiritual rebellion. Cathy was not sure about marriage. We call it two years of "kicking each other in the shins". But we loved each other and by God’s grace in December 1983 we were engaged. Initially we thought it would be a...

Aug 17, 2014

Money does funny things to people, doesn't it? Actually, money doesn't do anything to people. Money is an inanimate object. It's a thing. It can't do anything. It can't really change people. But what happens is, money reveals who a person really is on the inside. It removes many of the barriers that keep people...