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Grace Community Church of Ramona Podcast

Mar 26, 2017

The Church: A Gifted Family - Wrap-Up

Mar 19, 2017

Oikodomeo is a construction term used throughout 1 Corinthians 14. It means to build. As we’ve discovered, the purpose of grace-gifts is to build up the church. When grace-gifts are exercised in an orderly and peaceful manner in the meeting of the church, the church is effectively built up.

Mar 12, 2017

Much like warning tabs on brake pads, the grace-gift of tongues was a divine sign God used to get the attention of unbelievers. This is one of the reasons why, as we will study today, the Apostle Paul taught the Corinthians that speaking in uninterpreted tongues during the meeting of the church was inappropriate (1...

Feb 26, 2017

Paul closes out chapter 12 with an interesting line. "I will show you a still more excellent way". This begs the question, "way to what?" The answer lies in 12:7, here Paul reveals the reason that there are grace-gifts at all. They were given for the "common good", or for the proper Godly function of the body of...

Feb 19, 2017

Learning and applying the Word of God is the most important element in our spiritual growth as individuals and as a church family.  That is why we constantly encourage all of us to have a daily quiet time in the Word and to join a Bible Study or Home Group where you can study the Word with your brothers and sisters.