Feb 23, 2020
There are some who believe that Jesus is the promised Messiah, there are some who don’t, and there are still others who are on the fence. Then, to add to this already mixed group, a crowd arrives from Bethsaida. These are the ones who had just been fed by Jesus and, because of that, have come looking for him. They...
Feb 16, 2020
Properly identifying Jesus is the most important task any person can seek to complete. Very few people deny the historicity of Jesus, but there are countless answers to the question of who he actually was. Was he a prophet? A sage? A religious teacher? A social revolutionary? The Messiah? God incarnate? An angel?...
Feb 9, 2020
It will not be a shock to anyone to read that we live in a physical world and as result of that we have physical needs. We need food, water, rest, shelter etc. These needs govern and guide a vast majority of our daily activities. This is just the way life is. This world however is not just physical, but is spiritual...
Feb 2, 2020
Today we will be picking back up with a look at John the Baptizer and what took place after he ushered Jesus into public ministry. His name has not been mentioned in months, but despite his relatively small coverage in the Gospel accounts, we will see in our study that John played a role in God’s story unlike and...