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Grace Community Church Ramona Podcast

Jun 5, 2022

The Reality of Rewards - Rewards In Review + Q/A

May 22, 2022

In our passage today, we will see that Jesus clearly teaches there are certain spiritual activities that will be rewarded, but they must be done the right way and for the right reasons. Now, I would argue that all spiritual disciplines and exercises are "rewarding" in one way or another, but Jesus made...

May 15, 2022

All who have faith in Jesus are his children and have been made right with God our Father, by His grace alone. This is the most incredible gift ever given and all who are justified will rejoice in what is to come. Yet, there are those believers who have gone "above and beyond" in their kingdom work, attitude, and...

May 8, 2022

There is no record of your sinful deeds, past, present and future. They have been blotted out by the blood of Jesus. Therefore, without question, we will not be judged nor punished for sin at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Jesus, our Substitute, was judged and punished for our sin.

May 1, 2022

As we discovered in our previous study, our Christian race will be evaluated and compensated at the Judgment Seat of Christ. In this study we will discover the where, the when and the who of the Judgment Seat of Christ.