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Grace Community Church of Ramona Podcast

Jan 22, 2023

It is through testing that our character is revealed. What do we yell when we are cut off on the highway? How do we talk about the boss who overlooks us for the promotion? What is our attitude toward others when we are sick, exhausted, and beaten down? God can and will use these and many other difficult situations to...

Jan 15, 2023

From June 57 A.D. to July 59 A.D. the Apostle Paul remained under guard in Caesarea in the palace of Herod the Great. Finally, in July 59 A.D. it began to look like Paul’s case would be revisited.

Jan 8, 2023

As chapter 24 opens Paul has been a prisoner in Caesarea for five days. During that time the Roman Governor Felix awaited the arrival of the prosecution team from Jerusalem. That prosecution team included Ananias, the corrupt high priest, several members of the Sanhedrin and an attorney named Tertullus.

Dec 18, 2022

Jesus is teaching there comes a time when we stop talking to another person (or persons) about spiritual things. When is that time? It is time to stop talking to a person about spiritual things when they clearly demonstrate they have no interest in spiritual things. They show themselves to be like dogs and pigs in their...

Dec 11, 2022

Learning to love our enemies is hard in large part because we most often feel justified in hating them for what they have or are doing to us. If ever there was a man who faced that internal struggle, it was the Apostle Paul. We pick up the story in Acts 21:27.