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Grace Community Church of Ramona Podcast

Nov 24, 2019

A “mystery” is a truth revealed by a New Testament speaker or author which was not revealed in the Old Testament. It is the revealing of a truth unknown prior to that moment in history. In other words, the New Kingdom was not revealed in the Old Testament. God revealed the Messianic Kingdom to the Hebrew prophets.

Nov 17, 2019

The offer of the Messianic kingdom had been rejected, and Jesus has begun to teach about this new "mystery kingdom" in parables. We refer to it as the "mystery" kingdom because there was no previous direct revelation about it in scripture. It was a totally new kingdom, and as such, needed some explanation as to what...

Nov 10, 2019

Why do professional baseball pitchers cover their mouths with their gloves when talking on the mound to their catcher or infielders? To hide their strategy from people who would counter it if they knew. On the day of rejection, the nation of Israel officially rejected Jesus as their Messiah. Many things changed...

Nov 3, 2019

The day of rejection is the most tragic day in the history of the nation of Israel. It is the day recorded in Matthew chapters 12 & 13. It is the day on which the nation of Israel officially rejected Jesus as their Messiah.