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Grace Community Church of Ramona Podcast

Mar 18, 2018

Our passage today takes us deeper into the Jewish mind and its reasons for rejecting the Gospel. Unbelieving Jews have already been condemned by Paul in chapters 1 and 2. Paul taught that all humanity is under God’s wrath because of our refusal to acknowledge the evidence of God's "eternal power and divine nature,"...

Mar 11, 2018

Are you pecksniffian? You really don’t want to be pecksniffian but if you are you probably don’t see it. People around you know if you’re pecksniffian. It’s unpleasant to say the least. Religious people are very susceptible to it. It was a deep seated problem in Judaism. It’s understandable why the Jews...

Mar 4, 2018

When our children were little and we were out in public, they would wander. Despite our instructions to stay with us, they would wander off. A few times I just let them; I could always see them, but they couldn’t see me. They thought it was great; they didn’t realize I was disciplining them by letting them wander...