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Grace Community Church of Ramona Podcast

Nov 27, 2016

When we trust in Christ for salvation we are born again into a new family, the Church. As family, we are called to care for one another. Previously, in chapter 5, the Apostle Paul encouraged believers in the Galatian churches to walk in the Spirit that their churches might be filled with His fruit. As he concludes his...

Nov 20, 2016

Because He's referred to as the Spirit we may not have an accurate picture of who He is. The Holy Spirit is the third person of our triune God - God the Father, Jesus the Son, the Holy Spirit. Like the Father and Son, the Spirit is a person Who thinks, speaks, acts and feels.

The moment you placed faith in the death,...

Nov 13, 2016

We have a tug-a-war in our souls. It's between living for ourselves and living for God. In this passage its described as a tug-a-war between our fleshly desires and the desires of the Holy Spirit Who lives in us. When we live for our fleshly desires, we do all kinds of bad things. The Judaizers (legalists) would say...

Oct 30, 2016

Legalism shorts out the power for spiritual transformation.

A few weeks ago I was informed the toaster wasn’t working. Mom (and Willie, the dog) have toast every morning for breakfast. Not simple, straight ahead wheat toast but sweet, gooey cinnamon toast. This was a mini crisis. I took the toaster apart and found...