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Grace Community Church of Ramona Podcast

Jun 24, 2018

In chapter 7 Paul teaches that God's law cannot sanctify us. 7:7-12 affirms that God's law is not the problem. Sin is the problem. God's law is holy, righteous and good. The problem is that sin is aroused by God's law. Rather than subduing sin, God's law actually stirs it up. Sin sabotages the good purposes of the...

Jun 17, 2018

In Romans 7 Paul teaches us that the Law, by itself, cannot transform us into the likeness of Christ. But, even though that is the case, the Law is not the problem. God’s Law is holy, righteous and good. The real problem is the treacherous nature of sin that still resides in us. As we come to Romans 7:7-12 keep in...

Jun 10, 2018

In Romans 7:1-6, Paul’s main point is that the law does not have the power make us right with God, and it also does not have the power to make us more like Jesus. As Christians, we will not bear spiritual fruit by striving to following the law. It is through our union with Christ, having died to the law, that we are...

Jun 3, 2018

Though the Apostle Paul did not know about neuroplasticity, he did understand its practical outworking: whatever we give our minds and bodies to eventually controls us. As we’ve just seen, whatever we think about over and over again strengthens the neural pathways involved with that thought process. Whatever we do...