Aug 10, 2014
The last time we were in James, we started a section of his
letter that runs all the way from chapter 4:1 through 5:6. This
large section that we started last week is a three part section on
what I call the pride test. James 4:1-12 - Selfish Pride. James
4:13-17 - Presumptive Pride. James 5:1-6 – Greedy Pride.
If you were to come up with the most basic definition of pride you
could, what would it be? The most basic definition of pride I can
think of is to say that pride is...putting ourselves in the place
where only God should be. When we looked at selfish pride last
week, we saw what happens when we elevate our selfish desires above
God’s desire. Today we’re going to see what happens when we elevate
our personal plans above God's plan. When we think we know more
about the future than He does. When we pridefully presume upon God
by placing our worries over His providence. I want us this coming
year to be able to say with Him, "Not my will, but yours." In order
to do that, we're going to look at three characteristics of
presumptive pride. Read James 4:13-17